The Traveling Principal Podcast - S3 E3: Breaking down reopening into categories - Part I.

In the 31st episode of TTP, we address a question regarding transportation from an international listener. Then, we break down what reopening will look like come the fall, into 7 different parts. In this first of two sessions on reopening, I address the first 4 parts.

The Traveling Principal Podcast - S3 E2: Marrying the new school with school in the fall

In the 30th episode of The Traveling Principal, we answer an email from an international listener helping them with virtual learning and the role of teachers during that process. We also marry my ideas from the new school concept, with that of what school will look like in the fall!

The Traveling Principal Podcast S2 E16: Podcasting With Seniors: Brady & Sophia Interviews

In the 27th episode of the TTP podcast, we're talking with ACE Charter seniors about end of the year ceremonies. We're talking about virtual awards night and we talk graduation. We interview Brady Walsh - Bradley's brother - a senior at Camarillo High School. We also interview Sophia Johnson, a senior at Ventura County Christian School.

The Traveling Principal Podcast - S2 E15: Updating on the New School and Climate

The Traveling Principal Podcast - S2 E13: Podcasting with ACE Seniors pt.3

Hello everyone! This is Joe Clausi here, your Traveling Principal, back to podcasting with seniors. In this third episode with ACE Charter seniors, we get into some of what it's like living as a senior in high school. We discuss some game knowledge and trends, and even take a trip back to some old games. We also discuss ACE Wars, and how we may be able to change the events and still have it.

ACE Principal's Podcast - S2 E9: Closing campus, but online learning - for the year.

Hello everyone, it’s your ACE Charter principal here, Mr. Clausi - back with another episode with new updates. In this episode, we begin with remembering some thing that mean most to us, which are defined by the memories and the stories we tell. I also discuss the questions I think you may have, based on needing to close our campus for the remainder of the year.

The Traveling Principal Podcast - S2 E8: Staying social while social distancing...

In this episode, we discuss some things we can do to be social, while making sure we are practicing proper social distancing. We review some creative spins on virtual hang outs, talk about being generous, and even celebrate a birthday in a way I've never seen before.

ACE Principal's Podcast - S2 E7: Interviewing ACE seniors 3/23/20

Hello everyone, it’s Joe Clausi, the ACE Principal here with your third podcast during home instruction, keeping you updated with all things ACE Charter. I finally get to interview 4 seniors at ACE Charter, which took a pandemic for the podcast to occur. We cover all kinds of topics, and had so much fun we're already planning a second one!

ACE Principal's Podcast - S2 E6: Helpful hints while staying home

Hello everyone, this is Joe Clausi here, you're ACE Principal. In this podcast I talk about 10 helpful hints that we can follow, when dealing with staying home all day. My suggestions are for both parents and students, or anyone staying at home during this time.

The Traveling Principal Podcast - S2 E4: Transitioning into Online Learning

In this episode, I offer some truths about the current situation, and staying afloat. I discuss the process of going into the virtual world of instruction, and some of the tips of successfully teaching in this environment.