My name is Joe Clausi, and I've been in education for 25 years. I started out during the teacher shortage in 1998-99 school year in New York City - and was a part of a pilot program to train new teachers called the "Summer in the City" Internship. I was placed at Christopher Columbus High School, in the Bronx - where I would spend the next 12 years.
I taught for 8 years there, and ended in a small learning community called "College Now" that affiliated with Lehman College and articulated classes for college credit, had a "swing period" of additional core class per day, each grade level teacher had a common planning period, and we had 100 kids per grade level. We knew every kid, and everything about them. Whereas in my other classes all those years, I'd have almost 40 kids per class!
I usually snap shots of things that I see that are awesome! I have so many of these!!!!
This small learning community - became the grounds for small school replication in New York City public schools - and thus began this trend. I was asked to get an administrative license to help with this movement - and at the age of 28 - I became an Assistant Principal - and started a whole new chapter in my career.
As an AP, my first school needed cleaning up - and the principal was amazing. She taught me so much about how to lead, how to communicate, and how to organize. I oversaw curriculum and instruction, and dabbled with discipline as well.
From there, I found Food & Finance High School, where I learned that career education, MUST be a part of education. As the end result of all students is a career - this must be something high school's get into.
I helped this school improve academics that would match the CTE programs, and made drastic improvements in Math, ELA, and Science. From there, I went to California, and became a principal of a charter school that was really struggling.
I am proud to say, this school is STILL the only school in California to have stand alone International Baccalaureate Programs in Construction, Engineering, Architecture, and Computer Science. We went from possibly closing, to possibly relocating to house the population,
Now, I go around helping others at their sites. No matter the job. No matter the cause. I love getting involved, lending a fresh pair of eyes - one that has seen quit a bit and from so many angles.
My name is Joe Clausi. I'm a life long educator. Let me help you in however you need it. That's what I've come to do best.