
Traveling Principal Podcast S4 E4 - Trends in Education

In the 4th episode of the 4th season - Joe shares the trends that he sees and reads about in K-12 schools. He even gives a glimpse of some international trends that we should all know about! Enjoy your Traveling Principal Podcast!

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Traveling Principal Podcast S4 E3 - Compliance Vs. Engagement

In the 3rd episode of the 4th season, Joe is emailed from a leader regarding the following question: Are the tasks we are asked to do, and perhaps more importantly assigned, motivating - compliant or engaged mindsets? So, let's get a little crazy - shall we...

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Traveling Principal Podcast S4 E2 New Year's Resolutions For Educators

In episode 2 of the 4th season, Joe discusses the list of the Top 5 most thought of New Year's Resolutions - for educators.

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Traveling Principal Podcast S4 E1 Tips to Start the New Year

Attention Rio School Leaders, here's a Podcast for you! Episode #1 of Season 4: 5 Tips for the Start of 2024

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Traveling Principal Podcast - S3 E11: Stop & Pause

In the 10th episode, Joe reminds listeners about what it means to stop and pause after a long stretch of chaos from every angle. This podcast, is dedicated to my friend Russ.

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Traveling Principal Podcast - S3 E10: Humanizing AI

In the 9th episode, Joe talks about how the tone we use with AI, corresponds to the product that we seek.

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Traveling Principal Podcast - S3 E10: Thinking Summer Thoughts

In this 8th episode of the Traveling Principal Podcast, Joe takes you down a brainstorm path that allows for planning through the potential chaos of the end the school year, and gets you to where you can begin to think - Summer Thoughts.

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Traveling Principal Podcast - S3 E10: AI Using Educators

In Episode 7 of season 3, we're now talking about how to use AI to your advantage as an educator.

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Traveling Principal Podcast - S3 E9: The Way I See It

In Episode 2 of season 3, I take a look at what are common issues and give you my take on them.

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Traveling Principal Podcast - S3 E8: GPT as Plagiarism?

Season 3: Episode 6 - GPT as Plagiarism

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I coach school leaders, Special Education leaders, Classroom Teachers, and CTE Programs!